[EffectBass.pas - 汎用モジュール]
//Bass Unit unit EffectBass; interface uses Windows,SysUtils, Classes, Graphics; type //24bitアクセス用ポインタ pRGBarray = ^TRGBarray; TRGBarray = array[0..0] of TRGBTriple; //None リテラル type //24bitアクセス用ダブルポインタ PPBits = ^TPBits; TPBits = array[0..0] of pRGBarray; //None リテラル //汎用プロシージャ procedure Set24bit(Src,Dest :TBitmap); function Set255(Value : integer) : BYTE; implementation ///////// procedure Set24bit(Src,Dest :Tbitmap); begin Src.PixelFormat :=pf24bit; Dest.PixelFormat:=pf24bit; Dest.Width:=Src.Width; Dest.Height:=Src.Height; end; ///////// function Set255(Value:Integer):Byte; begin if Value>=255 then Result:=255 else if Value<=0 then Result:=0 else Result:=Value; end; end.
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //■関数 EffectContraction //■用途 収縮 //■引数 hBMP ...転送元のビットマップのハンドル //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function EffectContraction(hBMP: HBitmap):HBitmap; var Row,Col,yRow,xCol,x,y,i,j: Integer; DestRow : pRGBArray; SrcBitmap,DestBitmap : TBitmap; SourceRows : PPBits; bRGB :Boolean; R,G,B : array [0..3] of Byte; begin SrcBitmap := TBitmap.Create; DestBitmap := TBitmap.Create; SrcBitmap.Handle := hBMP; Set24bit(SrcBitmap,DestBitmap); GetMem(SourceRows, SrcBitmap.Height * SizeOf(pRGBArray)); try for Row:= 0 to SrcBitmap.Height - 1 do SourceRows[Row] := SrcBitmap.Scanline[Row]; // 8点近傍 for Row := 0 To SrcBitmap.Height-1 do begin DestRow := DestBitmap.ScanLine[Row]; for Col := 0 To SrcBitmap.Width-1 do begin //------------- // 0 - 1 - 2 //------------- // 3 - - 4 //------------- // 5 - 6 - 7 i:=0; for y:= -1 to 1 do begin for x:= -1 to 1 do begin if not ( ((y=-1) and (x= 0)) or ((y= 0) and (x=-1)) or ((y= 0) and (x= 1)) or ((y= 1) and (x= 0)) ) then continue; // Y軸 if (Row+ y ) > SrcBitmap.Height-1 then yRow:=SrcBitmap.Height-1 else if Row+(y)< 0 then yRow:=0 else yRow:=Row+(y); // X軸 if Col+(x)> SrcBitmap.Width-1 then xCol:=SrcBitmap.Width-1 else if Col+(x)< 0 then xCol:=0 else xCol:=Col+(x); B[i]:=SourceRows[yRow][xCol].rgbtBlue; G[i]:=SourceRows[yRow][xCol].rgbtGreen; R[i]:=SourceRows[yRow][xCol].rgbtRed; inc(i); end; end; bRGB := False; for j:= 0 to 3 do begin if R[j] =255 then begin bRGB :=True; Break; end; end; if bRGB then begin DestRow[Col].rgbtRed := 255; DestRow[Col].rgbtGreen := 255; DestRow[Col].rgbtBlue := 255; end else begin DestRow[Col].rgbtRed := SourceRows[Row][Col].rgbtRed; DestRow[Col].rgbtGreen := SourceRows[Row][Col].rgbtGreen; DestRow[Col].rgbtBlue := SourceRows[Row][Col].rgbtBlue; end; end; end; FreeMem(SourceRows); SourceRows:=nil; Result :=DestBitmap.ReleaseHandle; except if Assigned(SourceRows) then FreeMem(SourceRows); Result :=SrcBitmap.ReleaseHandle; end; SrcBitmap.Free ; DestBitmap.Free; end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //■関数 EffectExpansion //■用途 膨張 //■引数 hBMP ...転送元のビットマップのハンドル //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function EffectExpansion(hBMP: HBitmap):HBitmap; var Row,Col,yRow,xCol,x,y,i,j: Integer; DestRow : pRGBArray; SrcBitmap,DestBitmap : TBitmap; SourceRows : PPBits; bRGB :Boolean; R,G,B : array [0..3] of Byte; begin SrcBitmap := TBitmap.Create; DestBitmap := TBitmap.Create; SrcBitmap.Handle := hBMP; Set24bit(SrcBitmap,DestBitmap); GetMem(SourceRows, SrcBitmap.Height * SizeOf(pRGBArray)); try for Row:= 0 to SrcBitmap.Height - 1 do SourceRows[Row] := SrcBitmap.Scanline[Row]; // 4点近傍 for Row := 0 To SrcBitmap.Height-1 do begin DestRow:=DestBitmap.ScanLine[Row]; for Col := 0 To SrcBitmap.Width-1 do begin //------------- // 0 - 1 - 2 //------------- // 3 - - 4 //------------- // 5 - 6 - 7 i:=0; for y:= -1 to 1 do begin for x:= -1 to 1 do begin if not ( ((y=-1) and (x= 0)) or ((y= 0) and (x=-1)) or ((y= 0) and (x= 1)) or ((y= 1) and (x= 0)) ) then continue; // Y軸 if (Row+ y ) > SrcBitmap.Height-1 then yRow:=SrcBitmap.Height-1 else if Row+(y)< 0 then yRow:=0 else yRow:=Row+(y); // X軸 if Col+(x)> SrcBitmap.Width-1 then xCol:=SrcBitmap.Width-1 else if Col+(x)< 0 then xCol:=0 else xCol:=Col+(x); B[i] := SourceRows[yRow][xCol].rgbtBlue; G[i] := SourceRows[yRow][xCol].rgbtGreen; R[i] := SourceRows[yRow][xCol].rgbtRed; inc(i); end; end; bRGB := False; for j:= 0 to 3 do begin if R[j] =0 then begin bRGB :=True; Break; end; end; if bRGB then begin DestRow[Col].rgbtRed := 0; DestRow[Col].rgbtGreen := 0; DestRow[Col].rgbtBlue := 0; end else begin DestRow[Col].rgbtRed := SourceRows[Row][Col].rgbtRed; DestRow[Col].rgbtGreen := SourceRows[Row][Col].rgbtGreen; DestRow[Col].rgbtBlue := SourceRows[Row][Col].rgbtBlue; end; end; end; FreeMem(SourceRows); SourceRows:=nil; Result :=DestBitmap.ReleaseHandle; except if Assigned(SourceRows) then FreeMem(SourceRows); Result :=SrcBitmap.ReleaseHandle; end; SrcBitmap.Free ; DestBitmap.Free; end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //■関数 EffectNoise_ExCon //■用途 収縮と膨張によるノイズ除去(2値画像用) //■引数 hBMP ...転送元のビットマップのハンドル //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function EffectNoise_ExCon(hBMP :HBitmap):HBitmap; Var aBMP : HBitmap; begin // 4近傍による収縮 aBMP := EffectContraction(hBMP); // 4近傍による膨張 Result := EffectExpansion(aBMP) ; end;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Handle := EffectNoise_ExCon(Image1.Picture.Bitmap.ReleaseHandle); end;